How to Be a Better Person
Start your day with one simple thing you can do in the next 24 hours to grow into your best self. More people than ever admit that they want to be a better person (in fact, it has recently topped the list of most popular New Year's resolution--a first!). The How to Be a Better Person podcast with Kate Hanley is based on my book of the same name, breaks this big, amorphous goal into doable daily bites. My mission is to give you one year's worth of small but mighty ways to consciously evolve into the person you know you're capable of being. Let's do this, together!
Listen to more from How to Be a Better Person
About the Host
For a pretty smart person (I skipped third grade and was high school valedictorian), I spent a lot of years thinking some pretty unhelpful thoughts, primarily feeling overwhelmed and sorry for myself. Even though I accomplished some cool things, my efforts took a big toll on me, my health, and my relationships. I do a few different things. But they all feed each other, and they all share a common theme of helping other people reduce their stress, find clarity, and do more of the things that matter the most while taking less of a toll. Frankly, it’s an honor and a real kick in the pants to do this work and I hope that you and I will have a chance to do some of it together.

Am I a Bad Person? We all secretly wonder: Am I a bad person? And if so, how bad?? Well, let’s find out.(Don’t worry, this won’t hurt a bit.)
The truth is, we’re all on the spectrum -the better person spectrum. Take this quiz to find out exactly where on that spectrum you land.